Caring For Your Hair In Hawaii

Hawaii hair stylist Monae Watkins often gets asked by her clients how to care for their hair in Hawaii. Hawaii being humid, and hot can have many affects on your hair. Humidity can make it difficult for hair to curl, or stay sleek and straight. The heat can dry out hair, as well as make you hot and greasy making hair appear oily. Other factors in Hawaii include the affects salt water can have on hair, drying it out making hair brittle and much more easy to break. There are many things you can do to combat the affects of the environment in Hawaii to keep your hair healthy.

Combat Humidity – If you want to keep your hair straight and weighted down in Hawaii, start by washing and conditioning your hair. Lightly blow dry your hair then add either a straightening serum, or anti-frizz serum to your hair while it’s damp. If you have long hair use about a quarters worth of serum and work into hair, starting mid-length and working down to the roots. Whatever serum is left on your hands gently wipe onto hair at the scalp. Continue to blow dry at a downward direction from the scalp to the roots until hair is dry. The serum will help to weigh your hair down and keep it straight regardless of the humidity levels.

Combat Oily Hair – by washing your hair with a shampoo made for oily hair. You will want to wash your hair in the morning, so that overnight perspiration does not add to accumulated oils throughout your day. You can try washing your hair every day for a week, then after a week, skip one day of washing, and then wash again. This will help to train your hair to be less oily, by taking a break and not stimulating oil production. Often times in Hawaii it’s hard to combat oily hair since it is hot and the heat is something you can’t avoid. Tea tree oil actually can help with oily skin, so you can experiment and see if a tea tree oil shampoo will help to combat your oily hair.

Combat Dry Hair – from exposure to salt water by applying a leave in conditioner before being exposed to the ocean. You can either use a very small amount of olive oil and ruffle it through your hair, or get into the habit of applying a leave in conditioner before you hit the beach. After the beach, wash your hair with a cleansing conditioner, and use conditioner as well to add extra moisture to keep your hair from drying out from the damaging effects of salt water. Here’s a hair mask that I really love that works miracles.

For more tips from Hawaiian makeup arist Monae, visit her website